NuxtStarterAI is a comprehensive NuxtJS boilerplate that includes everything you need to quickly create and launch any web app, SaaS, or AI tool.

Nuxt Starter AI makes it easy to build and launch your app without having any coding skills.

NuxtStarterAI Lifetime Deal Features Overview:

  • Checkout quickly with either Stripe or Lemon Squeezy.
  • Handle Stripe or Lemon Squeezy webhooks to offer subscriptions and one-time payments.
  • Tips for setting up your account with ease and increasing client retention!
  • Create magic links for easy sign-in and sign-up experiences.
  • Step-by-step guide for Google login configuration
  • Supabase authentication configuration
  • Set up private/protected pages and API requests in seconds with Supabase.
  • Ready-to-ship blog framework
  • Ready to use meta tags for Google ranking.
  • Extensive OpenGraph tags for effective social media sharing
  • Sitemap Generator for Quick Google Indexing
  • Structured data markup for Rich Snippets improves SEO
  • Ul components are SEO-optimized.
  • Ready to create application tables in PostgreSQL
  • Simplify your life using Supabase plugins.
  • Set up Al integrations in seconds using providers such as RunPod, Replicate, OpenAl, and others.
  • Already created a retry feature to easily manage failed Al calls!
  • Ready-to-use components, animations, and sections to increase conversion rates!
  • No more spending hours on custom components.
  • The theme can be configured globally!
  • Send transactional emails automatically!
  • To prevent emails from showing up in spam folders, configure DNS with DKIM, DMARC, and SPF in subdomains.
  • Ready to use webhook for receiving and forwarding emails
  • Guidelines for high-converting landing page content!
  • Collect email addresses for the waitlist from day one before launching your product.
  • Create terms and privacy policies with Al in seconds.
  • Copy and paste code templates for faster development.
NuxtStarterAI dealfuel price
NuxtStarterAI dealfuel price
NuxtStarterAI regular pricing
NuxtStarterAI regular pricing

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