MS Marketing plugin from Envoflix is an all in one marketing solution for your WordPress website.

In this deal, you will see all your user’s data who visited your website and what they do everything in a visual way. Show attractive popup notifications to users about offers to get traffic and Sales. Show different types of web notifications about Offers to all users. If your website collecting sensitive data, then you need to show a notification that we are collecting data from you its mandatory as per Today’s GDPR rules. Our plugin will help to fix it. Chat, Support, and Get Feedback at any time from your customers or visitors without losing your reputation. Get feedback from your customer to know what they want.

MS Marketing Lifetime deal Features:

  • Pop Notifications
  • Header/Top Bars
  • GDPR cookie notifications
  • Facebook Messenger Integration
  • Feedback tool
  • User Analytics
  • Heatmaps
  • Social Proof

Steps for using this deal :

  • Install WordPress marketing plugin.
  • Create and use heatmaps.
  • Create cookie notification.
  • Setup facebook messenger.
  • Create popup notifications.
  • Create normal popup notification.
  • Create image popup notification.
  • Create HTML popup notification.
  • Create a facebook tool notification.
  • Create boost sales.
  • Create an image slider.
  • Create an HTML slider.
  • Create web notification.

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