Nymblr provides you with access to millions of B2B prospects with verified contact information, allowing you to streamline your outreach campaigns. Based on your ideal customer profile and marketing objectives, it helps you discover the most qualified B2B leads for cold outreach campaigns.
You will have access to a validated B2B contact database containing over 70 million business contacts in the United States, replete with email addresses and direct phone numbers. Since you can validate emails automatically in real-time at no additional cost, you will never have to stress about paying for inaccurate data.
Nymblr Lifetime Deal Features Overview:
Once you’ve identified the most qualified B2B contacts, you can use this tool to create custom contact profiles and audiences for targeted advertising
Access a massive database of B2B contacts to discover the most promising verified leads for cold outreach
Enrich data and maintain its accuracy with real-time updates on a white-labelled, API-customizable platform
When running B2B advertising campaigns via this platform, you will not be limited to the native audience filters of social media platforms
Moreover, launching personalized campaigns for each account across channels such as Facebook, Google, LinkedIn, and email is a breeze
It also allows you to add new contact and company information to your CRM, so you’re not forced to sift through obsolete documentation
You can edit up to 50 contact details, such as names, job titles, company information, emails, social media profiles, phone numbers, talents, and education
You can maintain accurate data and update it in real time, either directly in Nymblr or via APIs for contact data.
It provides you with all of the tools necessary to construct the effective team, audience, and workflows required to expand your business
You can add an unlimited number of users at no additional cost, allowing your entire team to collaborate on the same platform
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