Distrobird is a sales automation tool that includes email and SMS campaign tools, a cloud call center, a shared inbox, and other features. This tool automates the process of getting the correct lead to the proper sales contact, so you can stop manually sending emails or logging tasks.

Based on corporate or lead attributes, this application may automatically funnel inbound prospects into segmented email sequences. This implies you’ll be able to send prospects down different paths based on their answers to campaigns or website activity.

Distrobird Lifetime Deal Features Overview:

  • In five minutes, you can build up inbound and outgoing call stacks to contact your customers and prospects directly.
  • Make as many calls as you like in a day without losing quality by utilizing the built-in power and preview dialers.
  • To prevent leads from sliding through the cracks, it also allows you to create outbound call campaigns using form submissions.
  • You can also establish tasks for email and SMS campaigns based on lead activity, as well as redirect low-priority calls to SMS chat or self-service.
  • You can track conversations across voice, email, and SMS, as well as site activities, using the shared inbox, which is structured in a chronological timeline
  • Sales representatives may collaborate on inbound questions and automatically route messages to the appropriate reps based on context, knowledge, and seniority
  • They can make comments to each occurrence and tag certain colleagues to prevent vital information from becoming lost in chat
  • Collect user contact information on your website or through lead magnet submissions—and manage all of these contacts in one spot
  • It will add details to every form submission so you know who the lead is, what company they work for, and how valuable they are
  • Lead qualifying can be automated by creating rules based on form fields such as firm size, revenue, or industry
  • Assign hot leads to salespeople who can call them right away, and route lower-value leads to multi-channel sequences for nurturing.
    distrobird appsumo price
    distrobird appsumo price


    distrobird regular pricing
    distrobird regular pricing




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